
Therapist-assisted online treatment for child conduct problems in rural and urban families: Two randomized controlled trials.

Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 87, 706-719.

Dadds, MR., Thai, C., Mendoza Diaz, A., Broderick, J., Moul, C., Tully, LA., Hawes, DJ, Davies, S., Burchfield, K., & Cane, L. (2019).

This paper describes two randomized controlled studies of AccessEI which was a forerunner of FamilyMan that included therapist support for families taking the online modules. It showed that taking the course resulted in significant improvements in child mental health, parent mental health, and family functioning, similar to receiving face-to-face sessions with a clinical psychologist.

What is it to discipline a child; what should it be? A re-analysis of time-out from the perspective of mental health, attachment, and trauma.

American Psychologist, 74(7).

Dadds, M., & Tully, L. (2019).

This paper gives a detailed analysis of time-out as a discipline strategy for young children. It looks at all the evidence about its effects on children, how and when it should be used, and specifically addresses its effects with children who have experienced adversity and trauma in their lives. The conclusions are that time-out when implemented correctly, is a positive discipline strategy showing no evidence of negative effects on children, even those with previous trauma.

ParentWorks: Evaluation of an online, father-inclusive, universal parenting intervention to reduce child conduct problems and improve parenting practices.

Child Psychiatry and Human Development.

Piotrowska, P. J., et al. (in press).

This paper presents data on Parentworks, the forerunner of Family Man, during its national roll out in Australia throughout 2017-2018. It shows that fathers participated at double the rate previously reported in the history of parenting program research, and that the program produced positive benefits for child and parent mental health and overall family functioning.

J Abnorm Child Psychol, 35:475–495. 

Rae, T & Zimmer-Gembeck, M (2007).

Triple P and PCIT are two of the biggest evidence-based parenting programs in the world and use similar parenting strategies to Family Man. This review shows quantitative data on their effects on child and family functioning over decades of research.

Achieving Population-Level Change Through System-Contextual Approach to Supporting Competent Parenting.

Clin Child Fam Psychol Rev, 20, 36–44.

Sanders, M.R., Burke, K., Prinz, R.J. et al. (2017. More Information)

This paper summarizes Matt Sanders and colleagues model of using parenting programs to improve mental health at the population level, one of the goals of FamilyMan.

Ameliorating the biological impacts of childhood adversity: A review of intervention programs.

Child Abuse & Neglect, 81, 82-105.

Sukhdip K. Purewal Boparai, Vanessa Au, Kadiatou Koita, Debora Lee Oh, Susan Briner, Nadine Burke Harris, Monica Bucci, (2018).

This paper shows that the best known way to help children overcome the effects of early adversity is via positive parenting programs. Parenting is the ‘clean water’ of child mental health!

A benchmarking study of father involvement in Australian child mental health services.

PLOS One, 13(8) e0203113.

Dadds, M. R., Collins, D. A. J., Doyle, F. L., Tully, L. A., Hawes, D. J., Lenroot, R. K., Anderson, V., Frick, P.J., Moul, C., & Kimonis, E. R. (2018).

This study, conducted by the Like Father Like Son team, shows that fathers typically have low rates of involvement in mental health programs for their children. It was one of the main reasons Family Man was developed.

Evaluating practitioner training to improve competencies and organizational practices for engaging fathers in parenting interventions.

Journal of Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 50, 230-244.

Burn, M., Tully, L.A., Jiang, Y., Piotrowska, P.J., Collins, D.A.J., Sargeant, K., Hawes, D., Moul, C., Lenroot, R.K., Frick, P.J., Anderson, V., Kimonis, E.R., & Dadds, M.R. (2019).

Enhancing Father Engagement in Parenting Programs: Translating Research into Practice Recommendations.

Australian Psychologist, 54, 83-89.

Lechowicz, M. E., Jiang, Y., Tully, L. A., Burn, M. T., Collins, D. A. J., Hawes, D. J., Lenroot, R.K., Anderson, V., Doyle, F.L., Piotrowska, P.J., Frick, P.J., Moul, C., Kimonis, E.R. & Dadds, M. R. (2019).

Examining Practitioner Competencies, Organizational Support and Barriers to Engaging Fathers in Parenting Interventions.

Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 49, 109-122.

Tully, L.A., Collins, D.A.J., Piotrowska, P.J., Mairet, K.S., Hawes, D.J., Black, N., Moul, C., Lenroot, R. K., Frick, P. J., Anderson, V., Kimonis, E. & Dadds, M. R. (2017).

One of the reasons fathers don’t attend programs as often as mothers is that practitioners and mental health clinics don’t reach out or feel confident working with fathers. The above three papers describe how practitioners can be trained to better engage and work with fathers with respect to their child’s mental health.

Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 87, 706-719.

Dadds, MR, Scouri, G, Tully LA, Hawes, D, Moul, CA, Anderson, V, Kimonis, E, Piotrowska, P, & Frick, P (2019).

Although Parentworks produced positive benefits for children and parents, it had very high dropout rates, which are described in this paper. Hence Family Man was designed to be more engaging for parents to improve the rates at which parents complete the program.

Evaluation of ‘The Father Effect’ media campaign to increase awareness of, and participation in, an online father-inclusive parenting program.

Health Communication, 34, 1423-1432.

Tully, L. A., Piotrowska, P. J., Collins, D. A. J., Frick, P., Anderson, V., Moul, C., Lenroot, R.K., Kimonis, E.R., Hawes, D. J., Dadds, M. R. (2019).

This paper describes the original national media campaign used to engage fathers in a national online parenting program.

Toward father-friendly parenting interventions: A qualitative study.

Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 39, 218-231.

Sicouri, G., Tully, L. A., Collins, D. A. J., Burn, M., Sargeant, K., Frick, P. J., Anderson, V., Hawes, D. J., Kimonis, E. R., Moul, C., Lenroot, R. K., Dadds, M. R. (2018).

Optimizing child outcomes from parenting interventions: Fathers’ Experiences, Preferences and Barriers to Participation.

BMC Public Health, 17, 550.

Tully, L.A., Piotrowska, P.J., Collins, D.A.J., Mairet, K.S., Black, N., Kimonis, E., Hawes, D.J., Moul, C., Lenroot, R. K., Frick, P. J., Anderson, V., & Dadds, M. R. (2017).

The above two papers describe what the Like Father Like Son team learned from speaking to fathers about what they wanted from parenting programs and helped us design Family Man.

Family Drawings before and after Treatment for Child Conduct Problems: Fluidity of Family Dysfunction.

Journal of Child and Family Studies, 26, 3476-3489.

Kloft, L. Hawes, D.J., Moul, C., Sultan, S., & Dadds, M.R. (2017).

This paper shows that children with behavior problems draw happier, healthier pictures of their families after their parents complete the Dadds and Hawes (2006) positive parenting program, including time-out for misbehavior.

Mothers, fathers, and parental systems - a conceptual model of parental engagement in programs for child mental health: Connect, Attend, Participate, Enact (CAPE).

Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review. 20, 146-161.

Piotrowska, P.J., Tully, L.A., Lenroot, R., Kimonis, E., Hawes, D., Moul, C., Frick, P. J., Anderson, V., & Dadds, M. R. (2017).

This paper describes the model we use for encouraging fathers to get involved in parenting teams.